Producers Link

Photo credit: Karolina Grabowska

Producers LINK, programme for emerging producers of children’s content

The programme is designed to stimulate the production of top-quality children’s content and pan-European co-productions, providing crucial follow-up both during and after Young Horizons Industry and Cinekid for Professionals – two European events focusing on film content for kids.

The fourth edition 2024 of the event will take place between 29 September and 2 October 2024 in Warsaw. The second part of the programme will take place in October in Amsterdam.

Producers LINK is organised by Young Horizons Industry and Cinekid for Professionals.

Producers LINK partners in 2024: Austrian Film Institute, Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Danish Film Institute, Estonian Film Institute, Film Center Serbia, Film Centre of Montenegro, Greek Film Centre, National Film Institute Hungary, Netherlands Film Fund, Nord Media, Norwegian Film Institute, Slovak Film Institute, and Regional Film Funds in Poland: Mazovia Warsaw Film Commission, Łódź Film Commission, Silesian Film Fund, Podkarpackie Regional Film Fund, Krakow Film Fund and Malopolska Film Fund of the Small Forms. See all our partners

Producers LINK 2024 participants

Former Producers LINK participants

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