Code of Conduct

photo credit: Michał Mroczkowski

Code of Conduct

Young Horizons is an international venture based on the principles of diversity, equality and inclusivity. Our core values are mutual respect and freedom of expression.

At Young Horizons, we strive to create a safe, sustainable and inclusive space where everyone is treated with respect and equally. This is why we do not tolerate any harmful behavior at our events, such as written or verbal insults and threats, physical abuse and threats, the use of offensive and discriminatory language and gestures, and the performance of such actions, all forms of harassment, racist and sexist behavior, any kind of hurtful comments based on gender, ethnicity and religion, as well as origin, color, sexuality, gender identity, social and economic class, caste, disability or age. This principle applies to any form of verbal, physical and sexual violence against event participants, its organizers and partners.

Young Horizons has the right, without notice, to deny access to events to those who do not comply with the above rules. This applies to both stationary and online viewings of events.

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