Let’s meet! Young Horizons at Berlinale
Each year our team attends Berlinale and EFM to reunite with old friends and meet new partners. In Berlin, we will also be looking for promising projects that we can present at our co-production forum, screen at the festival or distribute in Polish cinemas. We are happy to meet you at Berlinale and EFM!
Young Horizons team in Berlin
Schedule a meeting
Maciej Jakubczyk, Young Horizons Department Director, maciej@nowehoryzonty.pl | In Berlin: 14-18.02
Kamila Tomkiel-Skowrońska, Young Horizons International Film Festival Director, kamilat@nowehoryzonty.pl | In Berlin: 18-20.02
Zosia Horszczaruk, Head of Young Horizons Industry, zofia.horszczaruk@nowehoryzonty.pl | In Berlin: 16-20.02
Viola Gabrielli, Head of Young Horizons Industry Programme, viola.gabrielli@nowehoryzonty.pl | In Berlin: 16-21.02
Mateusz Możdżeń, Head of Distribution, mateusz.mozdzen@nowehoryzonty.pl | In Berlin: 16-19.02
Stella Skiba, Deputy Head of Distribution, stella.skiba@nowehoryzonty.pl | In Berlin: 16-19.02
Save the date!
From 27 February to 19 April we invite production companies from around the world to submit full-length film and series projects for the pitching sections. We accept live-action animated, documentary and transmedia projects for young audiences. Get ready and learn more about the submission process