
Young Horizons Docs, documentary project development programme

The programme focuses on documentary projects at the development and pre-production stage for young viewers.

Young Horizons Docs (former name: Kids Kino Docs) provides filmmakers with an opportunity to develop their projects in an international community of documentary film professionals. As part of the process, participants work on a variety of aspects: improving their ideas, collecting documentation, preparing for filming, filming itself, and, finally, editing. All stages are supervised by experienced tutors from the film industry.

The participants should finish the programme with a well-developed story and part of the shooting material ready, with an editing process started.

First and second editions were co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. In partnership with South Norwegian Film Centre (Sørnorsk filmsenter).

For 15 months, 2 leading tutors guide 6 projects during four on-site workshop rounds.



Rules and submissions [now closed]

First two editions of Young Horizons Docs were supported by

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