In a world with strange creatures, a collection of normal animals have to deal with being different.
All kinds of strange species inhabit our planet. Animals we barely recognize: giraffes without necks and naked hedgehogs, bald sheep and tiny whales. Because they all look the same, they don’t notice anything special. And then an animal appears that looks different: a giraffe with a long neck and a hedgehog with spines, a sheep full of wool and a giant whale. The group of animals is confused, and so is the exceptional individual. What is the significance of this new characteristic? In every episode, the group and the abnormally normal animal have to deal with this difference and find new ways to live together. Every episode focuses on a different animal and a different protagonist, so the episodes can be watched in random order. There is a common narrative structure though and some animals reappear in other episodes as side-characters. One specific being makes a cameo in every episode: Little Rock has been lying there forever and she will probably be the last one standing (or lying).