Araaki, The First Dog, written by Paweł Ferdek

Arraki, The First Dog

Live-action film

Prehistoric girl domesticates the first dog.
Set 12,000 years ago, „Araaki, the First Dog” follows Alik, a 13-year-old girl from the Sapik tribe, who lives with her wise grandmother, Ugma. Alik, an outcast, is bullied by Mrapi, the chief’s son, and is forcibly sent on a hunt. During the hunt, lost in the forest, she finds and nurtures a wounded wolf pup she names Araaki. Back in the settlement, Alik must hide Araaki from the tribe, as wolves are feared and hated.

When the pup is discovered, Alik is exiled to the forest, but Ugma and young warrior Kezoon join her. Together, they form a plan to overthrow the cruel Chief Grind. With Araaki’s help, they unite the tribe, defeat the oppressive leader, and restore harmony. The story ends with Araaki and her pups living together with people, symbolizing a new bond between humans and animals.


Araaki, pierwszy pies

Film aktorski

Prehistoryczna dziewczyna udomowia pierwszego psa.
Akcja filmu rozgrywa się 12 000 lat temu. Alik, 13-letnia dziewczyna z plemienia Sapik, mieszka ze swoją mądrą babcią Ugmą. Alik, inna niż reszta rówieśniczek, jest prześladowana przez Mrapiego, syna wodza. Za karę zostaje wysłana na polowanie z grupą mężczyzn. Podczas wyprawy gubi się w lesie i znajduje rannego wilczka, którego nazywa Araaki. Alik opiekuje się nim, lecz musi ukryć Araaki przed plemieniem, ponieważ wilki są obiektem strachu i nienawiści.

Wódz odkrywa szczeniaka, Alik zostaje wygnana do lasu gdzie czeka ją pewna śmierć. Dołączają do niej Ugma i młody wojownik Kezoon. Razem tworzą plan obalenia okrutnego wodza Grinda. Z pomocą Araaki jednoczą plemię, pokonują despotę i przywracają harmonię. Historia kończy się, gdy Araaki wraz ze swymi szczeniętami mieszka w osadzie, co symbolizuje nową więź między ludźmi i zwierzętami.

Paweł Ferdek

Paweł Ferdek is a film and television director, screenwriter, script consultant, and traveler. A member of the European Film Academy. Paweł discovered his passion for filmmaking through his work in theater and extensive travels around the world. He spent three years at the GARDZIENICE Centre for Theatre Practices, where he honed his craft using acting and directing methods of Jerzy Grotowski. His artistic education continued at Andrzej Wajda Film School and Werner Herzog's ROGUE FILM SCHOOL in Los Angeles. Paweł has directed several award-winning documentaries and written screenplays for feature- length films, including Ki, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival. He is highly experienced in shooting films both in Poland and internationally, having worked in the USA, Israel, Palestine, Indonesia, Central Asia, and China. His works are available on platforms such as HBO Max, Amazon Prime, Player, and Canal+ Online.

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